Roman Blinds

Roman Blinds

Elegant Roman blinds offer a contemporary alternative to curtains making use of modern fabrics

Roman blinds were invented two thousand years ago by the Romans to protect their homes from dust and the heat. They first used wet clothes with no ropes to pull them up, they replaced the wet clothes when they began to dry and let dirt in. The Romans would decorate these cloths and as the blinds developed, we have made more efficient and longer lasting blinds that will still keep dust, heat and sunlight.

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For more information on any of our services or blinds, contact a member of our friendly team


Roman blinds can add an elegance to any property. They are suitable for all environments, even around children. The materials that we use are made to the highest standard and we can provided specially designed fabrics that will look stunning in any window frame.

Our Blinds

We tailor fit and customise all types of blinds, such as:

Vertical Blinds

Venetian Blinds

Roller Blinds

Roman Blinds

Pleated Blinds

Wooden Venetians

Day & Night
